Jun 15, 2024  
2017-2018 Student Handbook 
2017-2018 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Appendix C - Review and Challenge Policy for M1 and M2 OSCE Assessments

This policy addresses the timeframe within which students may review their objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) performance as well as the process for submitting grading challenges during the M1 and M2 years.

Reviewing Assessments

As a courtesy to students, the Office of Medical Student Programs (OMSP) may schedule an OSCE Debrief session within two weeks of the OSCE administration. Prior to this session, the OMSP digitally delivers an individual performance profile that includes student ratings on OSCE checklists/rating forms and patient documentations. This performance profile may also include information about how well the entire class performed on each item and the assessment as a whole. During each OSCE Debrief session, relevant course faculty review frequently missed items and provide additional resources or lecture material as needed to reinforce learning. Finally, students have an opportunity to approach faculty individually to address any remaining questions. If no OSCE Debrief is offered for the entire class, the OMSP accommodates individual requests to review OSCE performance with a relevant course faculty member.

Although these sessions are not mandatory, students are strongly encouraged to review their results on all assessments in order to 1) seek feedback about their areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, and 2) verify scoring accuracy. Because OSCE Debrief sessions allow students to review secure exam materials, they are not recorded and will not be accessible for later review.

Submitting OSCE Challenges

Although course faculty and the OMSP staff carefully review OSCE scores before and after each administration, there may be circumstances where errors occur. OSCE scores can be challenged on two conditions: grading errors and rubric errors. A grading error is defined as the misapplication of an existing rubric. A rubric error is defined as an incorrect or deficient list of scoring criteria. Please note: challenges are ONLY accepted for history checklist items, physical exam checklist items, and documentation. Students MAY NOT challenge ratings on the Interpersonal & Communication Skills Rating Form.

In order to challenge an OSCE score based on a grading or rubric error, students need to submit a written OSCE challenge. OSCE challenges will only be accepted within one week of the OSCE Debrief. In the event that no OSCE debrief is offered, challenges will be accepted within two weeks of the OSCE administration. In order to submit a written challenge, the student must complete the OSCE challenge form at http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2602274/OSCEChallengeForm. The form will require students to identify:

  1. The specific item number(s) being challenged (students may not request a re-grade of the entire assessment).
  2. A brief narrative description of the reason for the challenge(s) which MUST include specific time stamps and transcripts from the recorded video of the encounter.
  3. For rubric errors: the student must submit references to written resources that justify a change in the rubric (e.g., textbook, journal article, lecture notes).

Processing Assessment Challenges

  1. After the challenge is submitted, the OSCE Coordinator assigns the review to the Simulation Manager.
  2. The Simulation Manager will evaluate the challenge and make a recommendation to the OSCE Coordinator. During the challenge evaluation process, the Simulation Manager may review the entire student performance to verify the accuracy of the entire assessment. If additional scoring errors are discovered, scores may be adjusted (up or down) beyond the limits of the specific challenge.
  3. The student submitting the challenge is contacted by the OSCE Coordinator within one week regarding the outcome of the review, which includes information about any scoring changes as well a rationale for any changes that were denied by the review team.
  4. Any rubric changes are applied to all students who took that assessment.
  5. If the scoring change affects the course grade, the OMSP submits a request for a grade change with the Office of the Registrar to adjust the official student transcript.
  6. If the student disagrees with the decision of the challenge review committee, he or she may submit an appeal directly to the COSEP.