Sep 28, 2024  
2017-2018 Student Handbook 
2017-2018 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Each term the Registrar’s Office publishes an online schedule of courses in RU Connected for the following term. It is usually available several weeks before the end of the current term. Registration is completed online by all admitted students.

  1. Students must follow their designated plan of study. Any deviation from that plan must be discussed with and approved by their faculty advisor. At-large students may only register with the permission of the College of Nursing Office of Academic Affairs.
  2. Students registering for courses not on their plan of study or out of plan sequence may be administratively withdrawn from the course.
  3. Matriculated students register online through RUConnected. At-large students are registered by the Office of the Registrar.
  4. It is highly recommended that continuing students register during the designated two-week priority registration period. A late fee will be incurred if the continuing student registers after the first day of class. At-large students may only register for a class during the designated two-week priority registration period.
  5. Students registering for the first time are not held to the designated two-week priority registration period. However, newly admitted students are strongly encouraged to register as soon as possible in the weeks prior to the first term of matriculation.
  6. Registration is not complete until tuition and fees are paid.
  7. Students may not register for classes scheduled at the same time.
  8. To register for any given term, students cannot have a registration hold (i.e., missing transcripts, missing/out-of-date immunizations, insurance waivers, financial holds, etc.). Student’s health records must be complete and current or their registration will be suspended. A late fee will be incurred if updated health records are not on file by the first day of class.
  9. Registration for on-line courses must be completed at least 2 weeks (10 working days) prior to the beginning of the term. Adding on-line courses after this date may delay student access to the course at the beginning of the term.
  10. Students who register for a class and subsequently decide to withdraw without completing an Add/Drop, Leave of Absence or Voluntary Withdrawal forms will receive a failing grade (F or N) for that course.

To view the university policy on registration, click here.

Continuous Enrollment

Following matriculation, students must remain enrolled each term until all requirements for the degree are met and the degree conferred. Students unable to meet enrollment requirements should apply for a leave of absence. Students must be registered for the term in which they complete degree requirements in order to graduate.

Continuous enrollment for all nursing students is strictly enforced. A student who fails to enroll for one term and has not been granted a leave of absence will be administratively withdrawn (due to unexplained non-enrollment) and must apply for readmission to the College. 

Application of Academic Credits for Continuing Education Licensure/Certification Renewal

If you are already a licensed RN or have been certified in a particular specialty area, you may apply appropriate course credit hours to meet your state licensure or certification continuing education requirement. Please refer to your state licensure statute or credentialing organization for the specific conversion of academic credits to clocks hours.

Dropping and/or Adding Classes

Students who wish to change the course or courses for which they have registered must notify their advisors and complete an Add/Drop form. The first Friday of the term is the last day a course can be added. A course dropped during the first week of the term will not appear on the student’s transcript. After that date, one of the following applies:

  • For a course dropped beginning in week two through twelve prior to the end of the term, the student will be issued a grade of W for the course.
  • For a course dropped during the three weeks prior to the end of the term (weeks 13 - 15), the student will receive the grade earned for the course work.

If all courses being taken during a term are being dropped, the student must complete a Leave of Absence form for that term.

For additional information concerning tuition refunds, please refer to Financial Affairs: Tuition Refund Policy.

Leave of Absence or Withdrawal

After matriculation to Rush University, a student may not arbitrarily cease registration without notice. All students are required to maintain continuous enrollment or risk administrative withdrawal after one term due to unexplained non-registration. A student who must interrupt his/her studies for reasons of sustained ill health or compelling personal or academic situations may apply for a leave of absence for a stated period of time up to one year in length. During any one degree option, students may request leave amounting to a maximum of two years.

  1. A College of Nursing Petition for Leave of Absence form must be completed and approved by the advisor and the Associate Dean or Assistant Dean for the respective program. Please see the Rush University Catalog for complete information on obtaining and adhering to Leave of Absence guidelines. To view the university policy on returning from a LOA, click here.
  2. Students who request a LOA may be displaced into a subsequent cohort, required to take a revised program of study upon return to the University, or be delayed in their progression through the program based on availability of courses and/or clinical placements.
  3. After the request is approved, the student is responsible for obtaining or arranging for someone else to obtain the remaining authorization signatures.
  4. A student with outstanding incomplete grades may take a leave of absence. In this case, a written request for permission to extend the incomplete until the end of the term in which the student returns must be completed.
  5. Individuals who wish to interrupt their studies for more than a year must withdraw from the College.
  6. Students who wish to withdraw from the College should discuss their plans with their advisor. Students must complete the top part of the form titled “Withdrawal” (# 2) and obtain the appropriate signatures or arrange for someone else to obtain remaining authorization signatures.
  7. Students who do not complete the appropriate forms requesting leaves or withdrawal may be assessed fees and tuition, lose refunds, or receive failing grades for courses not completed.
  8. Students are responsible for registering themselves for the term in which they are returning from an approved LOA. This registration must occur during the designated registration period. Registration after this period will result in a late registration fee.
  9. Students who cannot return and who do not have an extension of a LOA approved must withdraw from the institution or risk administrative withdrawal.

Transfer of Credit

Previous graduate credit earned at an accredited college/university may be evaluated and approved by the student’s advisor, Assistant Dean/Program Director for the respective program, and appropriate faculty for credit toward the Rush degree being sought. Courses will be evaluated only after the student has been admitted to a College of Nursing program. The student must initiate this process by completing a Petition to Transfer Credit form. Students must submit an official copy of their academic transcript as well as other requested documents to receive review and determination of transfer credit eligibility.

Courses taken at an outside college or university after the student is enrolled at Rush must be approved for credit toward the degree. The student must initiate this process by completing a Petition to Transfer Credit form prior to taking the course and submitting it to the registrar.

A CON student must earn a grade of B or better to receive transfer credit for a course taken at another university or as an at-large student. The transfer of credit process must be completed prior to the start of the term in which the student must enroll in the course intended to be replaced at Rush. No more than one-third of the total number of required credits for a degree program may be granted to a student as transfer credit for work done at another graduate institution.

To view the university policy on transfer credit, click here.


Credit for Course Content Earned through Professional Certification

A student with a current professional certification, e.g., palliative care, may request a review for course credit. Certification must be through a nationally recognized certifying body.  The program director or appropriate course director will determine if all Rush course objectives have been met based on the certification earned.

Credit by Proficiency

Credit by examination may be offered for certain courses. Not all courses are available for proficiency credit. For courses that are eligible for credit by examination students may petition to take examinations for credit through the College of Nursing Office of Academic Affairs.

Course examinations, papers, projects, etc. may be used to exempt students from required courses and provide proficiency credit for them. A fee is incurred to receive proficiency credit. The fee is one - third the tuition cost for the course. Fees are due to the College of Nursing prior to testing.

Upon successful completion of the exam, the CON Office of Academic Affairs notifies the Registrar in writing of the credit(s) to be awarded. Courses taken by proficiency exam are awarded a grade of K on the student’s transcript. Credit awarded for proficiency will equal the credit value of the course(s) as listed in the Rush University Catalog under which the student matriculated. Credit earned by this mechanism will not be used in calculating the student’s grade point average (GPA). K notations are not included in credit hours needed to meet residency requirements.

To view the university policy on Credit by Proficiency, click here.

Application to Transfer Between Programs


  1. The application for transfer procedure must be completed when an enrolled student wishes to change their program concentration and/or degree. The transfer must be approved; there is no guarantee of movement from one program to another.
  2. The Program Director in the proposed concentration/degree determines the necessary requirements for the review process.
  3. The Registrar processes changes at the end of each term.
  4. The change is official as of the start of the new term if student accepted into the proposed major/concentration.
  5. If permission is granted and as space permits, students will only be allowed to transfer to an already matriculating cohort of students.

To view the procedure and access the application to transfer between programs form, click here.

Independent Study

An independent clinical experience, cognate, or research study may be pursued for elective credit. The student consults with her/his advisor in selecting an area of study and a faculty preceptor. The faculty preceptor agrees to monitor the student’s progress and assign a grade by signing the Independent Study Contract. The Independent Study Contract must be completed by the student and approved by the appropriate assistant program dean before the student may begin work on the study.

Request for Support or Accommodation

Rush University is committed to attracting and educating students who will help to make the health care profession representative of the national population, including individuals with disabilities. In keeping with Rush University’s mission to promote diversity among its student population and providing equal access to its facilities, programs, services and learning opportunities, the University encourages students with disabilities to engage the Office of Student Disability Services as soon as they begin their program. Students should feel free to contact Marie Ferro-Lusk, Manager of Student Disability Services for Rush University to engage in a confidential conversation about the process for requesting reasonable accommodations in the classroom and clinical settings.

Accommodations are not provided retroactively and students are encouraged to register with the Office of Student Disability Services as soon as they begin their program. Additional information can be found online at the Office of Student Disability website or by contacting the Office of Student Disability Services. In order to respect student’s privacy and ensure a thoughtful interactive discussion, students should not make accommodation requests to individual faculty members, lecturers, or course directors, instead please contact:

Marie Ferro-Lusk, MBA, MSW, LSW
Manager, Student Disability Services
Rush University
600 S. Paulina St. Suite 440
Chicago, IL. 60612
Phone: (312) 942-5237
Fax: (312) 942-2778

Communication with Students

Your Rush e-mail account is the official way in which all Rush university and college offices will communicate with you. Please check your Rush e-mail frequently so you do not miss important information such as future registration periods, communication from your advisor, notifications regarding scholarship opportunities, upcoming college events, etc.

In an effort to better communicate with you we request that on your Rush e-mail you include the information below in your signature template. Should an issue or problem arise that requires action on the part of faculty or staff it is helpful to have this information immediately available in the e-mail. This information will help us provide more timely responses to you.

  • Rush email address
  • a phone number
  • Title behind your name if applicable - e.g., BSN, RN for some students
  • Program name - GEM, CNL, DNP, PhD, Post-Graduate Certificate 
  • Specialty Program if applicable - e.g., FNP, NNP, etc.
  • Cohort number if applicable - e.g., GEM Cohort 13
  • Anticipated Graduation date e.g., Spring 2016